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You should LOVE your profile picture.  Do you?

The importance of profile photos. You may hate to admit it but when you receive a LinkedIn request (or resume/CV), what’s the first thing you look at? The profile photo. And for a good few seconds too, right? Why? Because that photo is telling you something important. But then there are those profile pics that …

3 Great Uses of Videos for Internal Communications

The use video for internal purposes now make sense to all companies. Heads up small, and medium sized companies! There’s something to learn from the multinationals. These larger companies have always been challenged by the need to create a sense of connection among their team members spread-out all over the world. Traditionally they’ve used three …

Your workforce feeling disconnected?

Try filming your own corporate newscast! Last week while guest speaking at a virtual conference with my tips on “How to Come Across As Good on Camera As You Do in Real Life” I was asked by the conference organizer: “Do you have any video ideas that could help our teams feel more connected, now …